Apple Dippers

Lilies and Lambs Apple Dippers

Back to school photos are starting to fill my feed, and it is getting me super excited for my favorite time of year. Yes, I’m sad to see the summer come to an end, albeit less so than in previous, non-pregnant years. But there’s just something about fall that I can’t shake. I’ve always loved September and all things back to school- I’ve been an admitted classroom geek for as long as I can remember. And, for me, a new school year always feels so fresh; like a reboot to the calendar year before the holidays.

I’ve been meaning to make these little apple dippers for some time now, so in honor of the season that’s just around the corner, I decided to whip up a batch of this yummy after school snack with MM.

They’re a super easy, kid-friendly treat that can be made as healthy or decadent as you’d like. We chose to dip ours in milk chocolate, but you could easily substitute for peanut butter, caramel or another kind of chocolate. As for toppings, we chose a few of our favorites: sprinkles, coconut, graham cracker, granola, nuts and butterscotch chips. Yum!

Lilies and Lambs Apple Dippers
Lilies and Lambs Apple Dippers
Lilies and Lambs Apple Dippers
Lilies and Lambs Apple Dippers

apple dippers

What you'll need:

  • Apples, we used Granny Smith
  • Cake Pop Sticks
  • Melting Chocolate
  • Toppings of Your Choice- Coconut Shreds, Crushed Walnuts, Butterscotch Chips, Sprinkles, Crushed Graham Cracker, Granola


  1. Wash and slice apples
  2. Place a stick into each apple slice
  3. Melt chocolate
  4. Holding stick, dip apple slice into melted chocolate and use spoon to help coat fully
  5. Place coated apple slice on parchment paper and sprinkle with topping of your choice
  6. Transfer to refrigerator for 10 minutes to allow chocolate to cool and harden
Lilies and Lambs Apple Dippers

photos by Julia Dags


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