20 {More} Things for 2020


Casually popped a bottle of bubbly, in this super low-key look, on the coldest day of the year to celebrate the beginning of a brand new decade. Luckily it only took about five minutes because Julia and I were freezing our booties off. Especially when my hands were covered in all the champs. Boy, the things we do for the blogs.

After sharing 35 things with ya’ll for my 35th birthday, I wanted to close out 2019 with a few more thoughts and lessons I’ve learned over the last ten years. In this past decade I met my husband, got married, fought super hard to get baby number one, struggled a little more, then miraculously got our second sweet girl. And so much in between.

I feel so, so lucky to get to live this life, in this beautiful place; and to share it with all of you. Thank you, thank you for reading and following along- from the bottom of my heart.

Wishing everyone the most wonderful end of 2019 and so much health and happiness in the New Year, and decade to come!

Here are 20 more things in honor of 2020

  1. New motherhood is a never-ending journey, as becoming a mother signs us up for a lifetimes of firsts. Some are easier than others; all are amazingly worth the growing pains.

  2. Don’t pay much attention to the stretch marks on your postpartum body; they pale in comparison to the ones on your postpartum soul.

  3. We learn far more from the challenges we face than the triumphs; try to embrace the lows as much as the highs, hard as it may be at times.

  4. If you see something, say something. Especially if that something is that your sibling has brought home a total dud.

  5. Drybar gives the best blowouts; get the Dirty Martini. Thank me later.

  6. Tomorrow is not a guarantee; don’t silence the phone call, return that text, and always say I love you.

  7. Feel free to free yourself of anything that no longer serves you- a job, a friendship, a boyfriend, a pair of skinny jeans; you name it.

  8. You’ll never regret a work out. So throw on those lulus and get sweating.

  9. When people show you who they really are, believe them. They mean it.

  10. Don’t agonize over creating a more beautiful life; it’s far more rewarding to find the beauty in the one that already exists. Believe me, it’s there.

  11. Nothing will come from doing nothing, so keep on keepin’ on.

  12. Listen to your children. Really listen to them. Some of the most profoundly beautiful things I’ve heard in life have come from a tiny toddler mouth.

  13. It’s completely unacceptable to visit the west coast without getting a burger at In N Out. Animal Style or bust.

  14. Crib naps are great. But nothing beats the feeling of a sleeping babe in your tired mama arms.

  15. Do not, I repeat do NOT, chop your hair off while pregnant.

  16. Toting around an infant car seat might give you some callused hands. But it’ll also give you some badass biceps.

  17. CBD really is where it’s at.

  18. Keep a wheel of Brie, a box of water crackers, some fig spread and a bottle of champagne on hand just in case an unexpected guest drops by. Whipping these out really gives the illusion that you are super pulled together.

  19. It’s much easier to pick up his socks and put them in the hamper rather than ask him to stop stuffing them under the couch. Especially if he’s over 40. That shit’s not changing.

  20. Be sure to grant yourself the grace you give to those around you. Life can be hard, so please be kind.


photos by Julia Dags

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