Hello Again


If you haven't noticed, it's been a little quiet in my little corner of the World Wide Web.

I started L+L in the midst of new motherhood- to document the lessons I learned and the ups + downs I faced; share beautiful baby goodies and maybe a few yummy recipes; and, truly, to feel a little less lonely during mid night feedings. We grew at a pretty good clip; and before I knew it I felt myself becoming a work-at-home-mom rather than the stay-at-home one I professed to be. And this worked, for a while- in the days before MM became more mobile, more inquisitive, more teachable and more aware.  

So in the last few months I've had to put this little project on the backburner- blogging a little less, but still learning and collecting tidbits to share along the way. While my posts may be less frequent here, I assure you I still have much more to say. Thank you for following along, and be sure to follow on Instagram and Snapchat for still-daily pics of life being Maddie + Me.  

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