May Roundup


Oh, May- where did you go? I feel like this past month flew by.

There was a lot of rain, a lot of wishing for spring to appear. But when it did, it was well worth the wait. The winters are long here in Connecticut. Lasting well beyond their expiration date.

The rainy days are no fun- particularly when you're cooped up with a mini that wants to explore the world. But on that first beach day- the one with the perfect breeze; the one with a cooler of watermelon and a basket of brand new beach toys; the one when your daughter dips her toes in the Sound for the very first time; the one that leaves a grin on her face, from ear to ear, for hours- that day makes it all worth it.

We earned you, summer, as we do every year here in New England. And if this past holiday weekend is any indication of the one we're about to have, then it's going to be a good one.

How was your May?